(Recommendations) Teyuuka’s Doujin CD Collection

Alright, following this ask and this post  and a djcd mood in general I present you my doujin cd collection from DLsite ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽

Listed here are my DLsite CD collection and some CDs I don’t own yet but considering to buy. Each CD title is linked to its respective link below the cover, followed by content tags/warnings or any other comments. Bear in mind that these are doujin CDs so some might have loud sloshy sfx lmao.

As the list grows, this list may consist not only doujin situation CDs, but official ones too (most of them being first-person perspective) which also includes hetero, BL, and GL. I have split the list into several parts:

**The list is categorized by content (ish?) and the cover at the point of writing. I say this because some circles update their previously posted work and DLsite sometimes runs selected CD discounts so there’s not much point listing the price when it fluctuates. Though generally DLsite CDs cost less than $10!

***P.S. use CTRL-F or CMD-F to find specific content (e.g. crossdressing, or solo)